• Author: Nidhi Jooni
  • ISBN: 978-81-933719-7-8
  • Price: 1750
  • Format: Hardback
₹1750 ₹1770

Bio-Diversity Management is that part of nature which includes the differences in genes among the individuals of species, the variety and richness of all plants and animal species in different scales in space- locally, in any region, country or world and the types of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems within any defined area. Accordingly, the biodiversity deals with the degree of variety of nature in the biosphere, which can be observed in the generic variability within species, variety of species within a community and the organization of species in an area into distinctive plant and animal communities. This diversity of life of all the three organizational levels- genetic, species and ecosystems, is now being rapidly modified by modern man, which may result in a great loss to future generations.

Nidhi Jooni holds a masters degree in geography from MDS University, Ajmer. She has desired experience in the field of teaching graduate and post graduate students. She is engaged in teaching and research in the fields of Environmental Geography, Agricultural Geography, Cartography, GIS, GPS Applications and Integrated Area Development, etc. Jooni has participated in number of International Conferences and Presented Research Papers and Chaired the Technical Sessions. She has credited more than 10 research papers published in reputed journals in India and is the author of more than two dozen well acclaimed books. Jooni holds the membership of various International, National and Regional Academic Societies contributing in most valuable manner.