Disaster Management

  • Title: Disaster Management
  • Author: Manish Gupta
  • ISBN: 978-81-933719-8-5
  • Price: 1650
  • Format: Hardback
₹1650 ₹1670

Geo-informatics has large and wide coverage where the events of various disasters can be known and timely action is taken to minimize the problem. Though the technological network has been established but the state and district administrations are not fully equipped to receive the information to analyze for the intensity and initiate immediate measures. The administrative system still works through conventional measures, which are not very reliable, time consuming and unable to know the intensity of the disaster in befitted manner. Therefore, total system of disasters need minute analysis and suggest the areas where the management of disasters is required to take immediate steps and take mitigative measures for combating the problem. This book will be use full document for the teacher, researchers, policymakers, planners, administrators, and students who are directly or indirectly concerned with Planning and Development.

Manish Gupta is engaged in teaching and research primarily in the field of Environmental Planning, Disaster Management, Environmental Geography, Agricultural Geography, and Area Development, etc. Gupta has participated in number of International Conferences and Presented Research Paper and Chaired the Technical Sessions. He has credited more than 18 research papers which are published in reputed journals in India and is the author of more than two dozen well acclaimed books. Gupta holds the membership of various International, National and Regional Academic Societies contributing in most valuable manner.