E-BUSINESS New Trends and Technique

  • Title: E-BUSINESS New Trends and Technique
  • Author: Ram Khandelwal
  • ISBN: 978-93-80929-19-4
  • Price: 1600
  • Format: Hardback
₹1600 ₹1620

E-Business is here to stay. At the doorstep of a new millennium the web and E-business are key industry drivers. Few companies or industries are immune to the effects of the E-Business tidal wave. It creates new channels for our customers; marketing leaders in many industries sit up and take notice. Established companies are struggling to comprehend this new phenomenon. Just as many have started to grasp e-commerce, the next wave E-business-is already knocking on the door. Intensified Competition and new E-Business opportunities are pressing traditional companies to build E-business models that are flexible, fast moving and customer focused. In other words, the core of the enterprise itself is going through a metamorphosis. The next stage of this structural evolution is E-Business.

Ram Khandelwal is M.Com., Ph.D. From University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. He is on eminent scholar and a well know writer and analyst Dr. Ram Khandelwal has contributed a large number of articles in national papers and periodicals. He has organised and participated in a number of international and national conferences and seminars. He is closely association. At present he is working as the director at Computer Education Institue Pilani, (Rajasthan).