Economics of CORRUPTION

  • Title: Economics of CORRUPTION
  • Author: Dr. S. K. Verma
  • ISBN: 978-93-80929-28-6
  • Price: 1350
  • Format: Hardback
₹1350 ₹1370

Organizations have emerged to deal with the economics of corruption. Some universities offer courses under the title, Economics of corruption. Nobel laureate economist Gary Becker and an American Judge Richard Posner have opened a blog for open public discussion discussing economics of corruption Public Money is for government services and projects. Taxes collected, bonds issued, income from government investments and other means of financing government expenditure are meant for social grants, education, hospitals, roads, the supply of power and water and to ensure the personal security of our citizens.

Dr. S.K. Verma has over 10 year of industry and academic experience. He has attended many national conferences papers in them. At present he is faculty in integrated Institute of Economics, Kolkata.