• Author: Dr. R. L. Meena
  • ISBN: 978-93-80929-26-2
  • Price: 1450
  • Format: Hardback
₹1450 ₹1470

Foreign trade policies are government actions, especially tariffs, import quotas, and export subsidies, designed to increase net exports by promoting exports or restricting imports. By increasing net exports (and creating a more "favorable" balance of trade), the domestic production of a nation increases, which then increases domestic income and employment. While foreign trade policies can be beneficial to the aggregate domestic economy they tend to be most beneficial, and thus most commonly promoted by, domestic firms facing competition from foreign imports. Domestic firms benefit with higher sales, greater profits, and more income to resource owners. However, by increasing domestic prices and restricting accessing to imports, foreign trade policies also tend to be harmful to domestic consumers.

Dr. R.L. Meena is an Assistant Professor in PG Department of Economics, Laxmi Bai Mahila Post Graduate College, Varanasi. Dr. Meena has published various research papers in National and International journal. He has presented more them 35 research papers in National and International Seminars / Conferences. He is Managing Editor of five refereed International journal. He is the life Member of India Commerce Association, New Delhi, Institute of Rail Transport, New Delhi and institute of Public Enterprises Research, Allahabad.