Financial Planning

  • Title: Financial Planning
  • Author: S.K. Sethi
  • ISBN: 978-93-80929-85-9
  • Price: 1500
  • Format: Hardback
₹1500 ₹1520

This comprehensive book is designed in such a manner to provide a through overview of the subject. The scope and detail of this work are truly out standing and make it an indispensable reference source for B.Com, BBA, M.Com., MBA, CS, ICWA, C.A. students and Ph.D. research scholars of our country.

S. K. Sethi got his master and Ph. D., degrees from University. He has published three research papers and nine articles on "Financial Planning" has authored many books on various subjects. His published work includes more than 16 research papers and a number of books for post-graduate and under-graduate students of our country.