The international border is completely fenced and security forces remain vigilant at all the strategic points to view the activities of both the sides of the border. The border area is quite significant in terms of volume but large part of the region is most backward with varied problems of livelihood of the people. This is irony of fete that funds received for focused development under various central and state programs could not yield successful results.
The present status of border region is most critical as the natural resources of the region are at the verge of severe degradation and no efforts to mitigate the problem is in sight. The geographical constraints relate to critical status of land resources which are at the verge of severe land degradation and decertification conditions causing decreased productivity of land. Vital land area remained in productive use has lost its natural fertility and became wastelands.
The suggested measures need to be free from all destructive activities of the people created various problem and loss of vegetative cover over the earth surface. There is necessity to solve existing political problems in the suggested manner for accelerated development of the border region and provide sustainable development to the people of the region for their assured livelihood in the present and also in future.
This book will be use full document for the teacher, researchers, policymakers, planners, administrators, and students who are directly or indirectly concerned with Development.
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