Industrial-Relation-Trade-Union-and-Labour-Law (3 Vol. Set)

  • Title: Industrial-Relation-Trade-Union-and-Labour-Law (3 Vol. Set)
  • Author: Dr. Saroj Gupta
  • ISBN: 978-93-86664-35-8
  • Price: 4050.00
  • Format: Hardback
₹4050.00 ₹405020

The essence of good industrial relation lies in the bringing up of good labour relations which gives a forum to understand each other (employer, employee) properly. Creates co-operative thinking and work to achieve the goal of the organization. A good Industrial Relation increases the morale of employers so they can give their maximum. Good industrial relation increases efficiency of workers, production, improves quality of work and products and decreases cost of production. Bad Industrial Relations leads to industrial unrest, industrial  dispute and a downward trend to industry workers and the nation. It is hoped that this book will evoke warm response from the students and teachers alike.

Dr Saroj Gupta of the department of RBS College Allahabad. He has obtained his M.B.A., from Allahabad university. He was a Management Fellow at Allahabad university from 1982 to 1984 and he pursed advanced studies at the various Management college. She has contributed various articles and attended many conferences of international report.