Information-Communication-Techonologyes-and-Human-Development (2 Vol. Set)

  • Title: Information-Communication-Techonologyes-and-Human-Development (2 Vol. Set)
  • Author: Dr. Sunil Garg
  • ISBN: 978-93-86664-37-2
  • Price: 3000.00
  • Format: Hardback
₹3000.00 ₹300020

Information Communication Technology has always played a decisive role in humanity's progress. Many international organizations have already stated that there is no doubt about the interrelationship that takes place between the adoption of information and communication technologies and Human development. Information Communication Technology has not only strengthened economic development, but it has become a powerful tool for human development. 
New technologies establish what and how things can be done because they create new capacities to be developed by people so that they can achieve the objectives that make sense to their lives. Also, Communication Technology allow a better management and redistribution of resources to achieve goals. Therefore, Communication Technology is key to human development because it improves how well resources are allocated and expands the possibilities.

Dr. Sunil Garg was born in Raipur, Chattishgarh. He studied Electronics and Communication Engineering at the University of Chattishgarh. After graduation he worked as a Software Engineer in different consulting firms and having 15 years of experience in Information Communications Technology and Human Development field. He started to steal time from his IT schedule to pursue his passion for writing. He is an Innovative thinker, efficient & passionate learner having ability to translate learning into action rapidly. Dr. Garg has authored and edited several textbooks as well as general books too.