Modern Business Communication

  • Title: Modern Business Communication
  • Author: Rakesh Shrivastva
  • ISBN: 978-93-80929-20-0
  • Price: 1750
  • Format: Hardback
₹1750 ₹1770

Modern Business Communication are very important. The present book on Modern Business Communication is an humble effort in which fresh look at the new techniques used by best practice companies to improve their communication system has been investigated. The book is useful to B.Com., B.B.A., M.Com., C.A., C.S., and I.C.W.A. Student.

Rakesh Shrivastva is M.Com., Ph.D. From university of Rajasthan, jaipur. He is an eminent scholar well known writers and analyst. Dr. Shrivastva possesses several post graduate and higher degree and has contributed a large number of articles in national paper and periodicals. He has organised and participated in number of international and national conferences and seminar. He is closely associated with many academic and educational institutions and organisations. He has received many awards and appreciations.