Recent Trends in Economic Geography

  • Title: Recent Trends in Economic Geography
  • Author: Jagdish Singh
  • ISBN: 978-81-933719-2-3
  • Price: 1650
  • Format: Hardback
₹1650 ₹1670

This book provides a comprehensive course of subject. The book is written primarily for university teachers, college lectures, research scholars & students of our country. The special features of this book are : The book takes full advantage of the clarity and consistency of modern terminology. The development of the chapters are logical and the preparation of each new idea is based on the preceding martial. The clearly developed textual explanations are followed in appropriate solved examples. A proper balance between theory and practical is maintained in every chapter. This book will be usefull for policy makers, planners, administrators, teachers and technical managers incharge of various projects.

Jagdish Singh a Member in the Department of Geography, Nalanda University, Bihar. He is engaged in teaching and research in the fields of Environmental Geography, Agricultural Geography, Cartography, GIS, GPS Applications and Integrated Area Development, etc. Singh has participated in various number of International Conferences and Presented Research Paper and Chaired the Technical Sessions. He has credited more than 10 research papers which were published in reputed journals in India and is the author of more than two dozen well acclaimed books. Singh holds the membership of various International, National and Regional Academic Societies contributing in most valuable manner.