Research-Methodology-in-Marketing (2 Vol. Set)

  • Title: Research-Methodology-in-Marketing (2 Vol. Set)
  • Author: Dr. T.P. Sharma
  • ISBN: 978-93-86664-34-1
  • Price: 3300.00
  • Format: Hardback
₹3300.00 ₹330020

The book introduction some basic notions about Research Methodology In Marketing and the role that they have played and are playing in business strategies. In modern time marketers are now faced with an interesting number of tactical option that must be efficiently and effectively applied ti an increasing number of product variations the brand. The concept of brand equity was identified as having the potential to provide guidance to marketers to help them to take such decision. The book is useful to B.Com., BBA, M.Com., and MBA students of Indian universities. 

Dr. T. P. Sharma works as an independent Marketing consultant conducts seminars in Strategic management, Tax Planning, Marketing Research and Development, and Small Business Management and writes on the basis of his own experience. He offers expert, practical guidance and advice.
    He has served  industrial unite and authored many outstanding books and has profusely contributed learned articles to professional journal of repute. He is known for his pioneering work entitled Research Methodology. At present he is working at Kolkata University, Kolkata.