Research Methods With New Technologies-2vol set

  • Title: Research Methods With New Technologies-2vol set
  • Author: Dr. N. K. Sharma
  • ISBN: 978-93-92639-19-7
  • Price: 3700
  • Format: Hardback
₹3700 ₹3720

There was long felt need and demand from the student and teacher for a single comprehensive book covering the entire syllabus, which can authentically teach the subject in the shortest possible time with the aim of scoring maximum marks. This book promises to fulfill the demand and provides readers all that what a very experienced and able professor can do.

Dr. N. K. Sharma is a notable and much sought after author of the present era. More than hundred books on management, Commerce, Economics taxation, Accounting, and finance written by his mighty pen, have been published till date. He has been awarded in India and abroad. He has organized many literary programs on management, tax planning and finance.